Online Shopping
The Woolworths online shopping registration process was easy. Getting used to the Woolworths shopping interface proved to be a bit harder than the Pick 'n Pay interface. The products are catergorized in a long list that is navigated through constant up and down scrolling. I then decided to use the product search bar and found the prducts quite easily. A shopping list fascility is also available where customers can store products for future reference. Sufficient product information is available, providing customers with usefull nutritional information and product specifications. There is no evidence of upselling or cross selling. Payment was easy and secure.
The site is clean, crisp and minimalistic in design. Pretty much what I expected from the Woolworths brand. There is a lot of information on the homepage, but the top navigation bars and quick links at the bottom of the page makes navigation easy. I don't feel as lost as I did on the PnP site. Information in the site, such as Events, Online Shopping, Financial Services, etc. is well structured and easy to navigate into and out of. The Woolworths main website contains all the relevant content that the usual customer would expect.
The Woolworths website contains a lot of information on CSI initiatives such as The Woolworths Trust, Eduplant, Making a difference, etc. This information is structured under the “communities” link in their “Our Company” page. It is easy to find and contains a lot of information on each and every initiative. The Woolworths home page is not cluttered with this information.
All Woolworths' corporate information can be found on the Woolworths Holdings Ltd website. This website is an independent URL and provides the customers with all the corporate information that they might need. In the normal Woolworths website there is an easy to find section explaining the content of the Woolworths Holdings Ltd website with a link to that website.
he main page is not cluttered with all this information, leaving more space for the content that really matters to the customer.
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